August 15, 2009

BURMA: Yettaw and Aung San Suu Kyi Controversy! I'd Like To Share An Exchange I Just Had On This Subject. Perhaps You Are Asking The Same Questions?

Jams wrote:
Yettaw is his own worst enemy but Webb did a good job getting him out of there.

Princess Mononoke wrote:
Are you f***ing kidding me?

Jams wrote:
In what way? Yettaw is a whack. Webb helped him out.

Princess Mononoke wrote:
Yettaw DESERVED to remain in prison for those 7 years! He intentionally committed a crime! What's worse is Aung San Suu Kyi would be FREE RIGHT NOW had that a-hole not gone to her house! Yettaw's actions caused BOTH of them to get arrested JUST TWO WEEKS BEFORE her long time imprisonment was to EXPIRE! Now Aung San Suu Kyi was just CONVICTED last Tuesday to 18 MORE MONTHS of confinement because of this a**hole!

NOW YETTAW is FREE and she remains in PRISON?! W-T-F?

Jams wrote:
How would she be free?

Princess Mononoke wrote:
The military regime has kept her under HOUSE ARREST basically a political prisoner for 14 out of the past 20 years. Her last sentencing was going to EXPIRE meaning she would be FREE just TWO WEEKS before Yettaw swam across the river and managed to get through her heavily MILITARY GUARDED house just to see her.

She won the democratically held elections back in 1990 by a LANDSLIDE! The military regime REFUSED to hand over power and nullified the votes. Then immediately placed her under HOUSE ARREST their political prisoner.....

Jams wrote:
Would they have freed her?

Princess Mononoke wrote:
Yes absolutely! They would have had to she served her entire fricken sentence. Yettaw just gave them a GREAT excuse to hold her in prison long enough for them to hold what they call another democratic election next year 2010!!!

Now I'm really left wondering if this whole thing had been planned all along! Because how could a tired old man who just swam across a river in the dark of night get past a bunch of Burmese military soldiers guarding her house?!?!? and now this a-hole has been set free no questions asked by these evil SOB's?

Jams wrote:
Well, that sucks then. But that's Yettaw's fault, not Webb's - right? Or am I missing something else?

Does sound like a setup . How hard would it be to manipulate a situation where a mentally unstable man would do something like that?

Princess Mononoke wrote:
Just think about it for a moment. Never ever has a US official visited Burma. This is the very first time a US official has met with the ruling general of Burma. and US Senator Webb visits to make nice with this monster and gets them to free Yettaw?!

How do you think that makes America look to the rest of the world? No concessions just kissing ass to free the criminal who put her back in prison after the entire world has been trying to get these a-holes to release ALL 2,100 political prisoners and most especially NOW Aung San Suu Kyi pronounced "Sue Chi".

Mentally unstable my ass! He knew precisely what he was doing. How can an unstable man make it past a slew of military soldiers who's ONLY JOB is to GUARD her compound/prison?

Jams wrote:
Seems like a reasonable scenario. But we don't give a hoot about Burma. And we don't mind military regimes as long as they keep order.

This has to be about China somehow.

Princess Mononoke wrote:
What do you mean we don't give a hoot about Burma? We, the United States of America is REPRESENTATIVE of the FREE WORLD! Therefore, other countries look to us for LEADERSHIP in helping them attain FREEDOM for their people!!!!

Are you that cold that you don't care what's happening in other parts of this world? What's happening in Burma is clear INJUSTICE!

The same as Darfur. Only in Burma's case, the leaders are placating their key partners pretending to be a democratic state whereas they have IMPRISONED ALL OPPOSITION! They're all political prisoners. They are a DICTATORSHIP disguised as a democracy!

Jams wrote:
Burma is China's problem, not ours. We're not the World Police. We took care of our citizen and that's our role. If ASEAN can't leverage Burma, then that's it.

Princess Mononoke wrote:
That is a sad way to look at it. Yeah, sure who gives a flying f***k right? So when we get taken over by a dictator heaven forbid. We shouldn't look to our neighbors for any help right?

Let's say your neighbor gets rob, some family members raped and slaughtered. You do nothing! All of your other neighbors notice your attitude and indifference. Then shortly afterwards it is YOUR HOME that gets invaded and violated in the worse possible way. How do you think your neighbors will respond? Precisely the way that you did. Why? Well simply because it was YOU who led by example.

Jams wrote:
Ok, but are we talking about "your neighbor"? No, we are talking about China's neighbor. We should work with ASEAN. What else would you have us do?

Princess Mononoke wrote:
I'm speaking about having COMPASSION for humanity in general along with protecting our Democratic ALLIES! Aung San Suu Kyi WON the democratically held election in 1990 with 85% of the civilian votes.

The current military ruled junta is an ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! Usurping power over the people. Everybody who opposed them have either been killed by way of mass slaughter and raped or are held as political prisoners.

In a joint statement issued after a meeting of EU and U.S. foreign ministers, the officials urged the U.N. Security Council to "discuss this situation urgently and consider further steps including sanctions.

Jams wrote:
So, we are doing something. We're discussing it. With the EU no less. If we had never invaded Iraq, what would the difference be? If we traded with Cuba, would they be freer or more communist?

How can you be so certain that we are not doing all we should?

Princess Mononoke wrote:
No man is an island my friend. We need each other! I mean we ARE sharing this planet with others you know...

The US has always had sanctions placed on Burma. Iraq and Cuba have not had the same situation raised in their country! This was a VERY SENSITIVE GLOBAL ISSUE and our country has just given the people fighting for FREEDOM in Burma THE MIDDLE FINGER!


pleiadean said...

This swimming incident was a very carefully prepared plan, he is not crazy..just working for the nwo regiment, very convenient to keep her locked up preventing another country under dictatorship to become democratic ie free.You have no idea how much money on drug and weapon trade is being made there.

Princess Mononoke said...

Yes, I completely agree with you pleiadean!

This is a sad sad sad moment in American history how our country responded to this VERY SENSITIVE ISSUE!

I am very much aware of ALL the corruption, greed and fraud occuring in Burma. I don't doubt the drug and weapon trade. It's a perfect set-up when the Burmese military ruler has created an IRON WALL of information. But that too can be infiltrated and torn down.

I have an enormous amount faith that TRUTH and JUSTICE will overcome this evil that has embedded itself in Burma!

The junta and everyone supporting them will REAP precisely as they have SOWN! Their KARMA will be SEVERE! May ALL of these evil doer's feel God's WRATH upon their lives! So much so that they are brought to knees begging God for forgiveness!

pleiadean said...

God is love, love is light and light is the truth that wins darkness.
Aung San Suu Kyi is a symbol of love and humanity in a country that's being kept in darkness.

Princess Mononoke said...

I absolutely agree with you pleiadean!

I am so deeply disappointed how the U.S. government handled this very delicate situation with such dis-respect!

Darkness cannot exist where there is LIGHT! We must send Aung San Suu Kyi our LIGHT (energy) to help strengthen her resolve and bring her peace.

I trust and believe that God will LIBERATE Aung San Suu Kyi and her people. God has been merely been EXPOSING all the key players helping the dark forces in Burma!